World Pharmacist Day Why Celebrate | ZintaMeds

 World Pharmacist Day is observed by international pharmacist associations and associations of pharmacists to raise awareness of the importance of the pharmacy profession.

World Pharmacy Day

World Pharmacist Day 

It is an opportunity to express appreciation to a profession that is often misunderstood and underserved, including the people who choose this career.

It is celebrated in more than 160 countries on a local level.

The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Wholesaling Associations states that the aim of World Pharmacist Day is to express the importance of the profession and to unite all pharmacists in a spirit of cooperation, respect and shared values.

These values are similar to the objective of this initiative: “to commemorate a unique profession which has a global reach and impacts the quality of the lives of many people.”

On this day, member associations from different countries put up special messages on social media as well as on their websites, brochures and brochures, pamphlets and signage.

Pharmacist Day speech at Chico State University

Ernest Santos, a pharmacist from Watsonville, will speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Bell Memorial Union at Chico State University.

His address, titled “Nourishing the Heart of Pharmacy,” will focus on how he developed a career in the profession. Santos is a member of the American Pharmacists Association and the American Pharmacy Co-Operative Association.

During his career he has been involved in many areas of the profession, such as teaching, policy and medical affairs. Santos graduated from Chico State in 1982 with a bachelor of arts in sociology. He earned a master of science in pharmaceutical sciences at UC Davis in 1986.

Chico State”s College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is at 411 Fourth.

Pharmacy Day

    Pharmacy Day is an event designed to highlight the profession and the pharmacy role in the community. Pharmacy Day is a celebration of what the profession brings to life, highlighting pharmacy's role in the health and well-being of people and communities. In Canada, we are fortunate to have an aging population, and increased attention on healthy aging, and pharmacists are poised to help us achieve a long life. Pharmacists have an important role to play in the overall health and well-being of people, in providing accessible, effective, and affordable health care to meet the health and medical needs of everyone. The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) has a core mandate to advocate for the profession and the public interest in an unbiased, educational and respectful manner that aims to meet the needs of the pharmacy profession, its members, the public, and the health and well-being of Canadians.

Pharmacy Day is an important milestone in the pharmacy profession's history, and an opportunity to celebrate the profession.

Pharmacy Day is in celebration of everything the profession and pharmacy bring to the community in Canada. The event demonstrates that the pharmacy profession, through the contributions of the many pharmacists who support their local communities, supports the sustainability of our communities and the health and well-being of people. On pharmacy day, community residents are invited to join us for a day of activities that are unique to each province, territory, and the three territories. These activities are all supported by CPhA and our members.

Pharmacy Day is an opportunity for pharmacists and the pharmacy profession to demonstrate the impact we have on people's lives every day.

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